Casually is an antonym for vigorously.
They used a lot of vigorous stunts in the action movie.
Flourish means to grow or develop with vigor; to thrive. Sentence: Your vegetable garden is flourishing.
I strained my hamstring by playing vigorously. The violinist suddenly began playing vigorously.
She vigorously shook the bottle to mix the ingredients thoroughly before pouring the drink.
when we shake a branch of a tree vigorously, all the leaves fall down.
Write the sentence down.
No matter how vigorously Lady MacBeth washed her hands, she could not remove the spot.
The cat hid in the closet and licked itself vigorously after being thrown in the tub.
We stir the milk vigorously to homogenize it.
He runs very vigorously in a race.
Example Sentence:Vigorously rubbing my face with a towel, the friction made my face red.Shaken Baby Syndrome and Tramatic Brain Injury in babies occurs when an adult vigorously shakes an infant.
She vigorously scrubbed the wine stain to no avail. The word scrubbed is a verb, and the word rubbed is a synonym.
Casually is an antonym for vigorously.
They do react vigorously.