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Q: What is they meaning of normalised?
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What is EN08 normalised steel?

According to BS 970 080M40, EN08 normalised steel is a medium strength steel. Suitable for stressed pins, shafts studs, keys etc. Available as rolled or normalised. Supplied as square bar, or round bar or flat.

What are the properties of EN08 normalised steel?

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What is denormalisation?

The process of taking a normalised schema and making it nonnormalised is called denormalisation

What is beam area of antenna?

it is the integral of the normalised power pattern over sphere (

What is the definition for standard form?

Somewhat paradoxically, this term does not have a standard definition! The definition below is based on the UK use of the term.The standard form, also known as the scientific form, is the representation of a number in the form a*10b where b is an integer and a is a real number.If, additionally, 1 &le; a < 10, then the number is said to be in normalised scientific form. However, scientific form that is not normalised is rarely used. As a result it is usually assumed that a number in scientific form is in normalised scientific form.

How much percent is a distinction in maths?

The answer depends on the test or examination. Also, if the results are not normalised, then it can also depend on how other examinees did.

When were school uniforms made?

12th centuary 16th centuary is when they became more popular and were very normalised by the 18th centuary

What does it mean that something is 'normalised' to in science I get told not to put units eg Degrees Celsius in brackets because it is really 'normalised' to I don't know what it means?

When a teacher tells you " -------- ", whatever it is, and you don't fully understand it,you immediately say to the teacher "I don't understand". If the teacher can't stop toexplain it to you right then and there, then you get a firm commitment right then andthere for an appointment or a meeting with the teacher to have it explained.You do not let it slide.

What is orthogonal and normalised wave function?

An orthogonal wave function is one that is perpendicular to another wave function within a given system. This means their inner product is zero. A normalised wave function is one that is scaled so that the integral of its square magnitude over all space is equal to 1. This normalization condition ensures that the probability of finding a particle in the system is always equal to 1.

When were school uniforms first made?

12th centuary 16th centuary is when they became more popular and were very normalised by the 18th centuary

Which test is used to diagnose conditions associated with abnormal bleeding and to monitor anticoagulant therapy?

1. INR (international normalised ratio) 2. aPTT

What settings do you need to use far keywords and other c style syntax in our programs while writing programs in VC?

There are no settings. Near and far pointers are specific to segmented memory models but when working with virtual memory models we always use normalised pointers which are always the same length (in bits). Near pointers use fewer bits than normalised pointers (usually half as many bits) because they only refer to the offset address within the current segment. Far pointers are similar to normalised pointers, except the high-order word refers to the segment address and the low-order word refers to the offset within that segment.