There is no such word as 'convience'. The definition of the word 'convince' is to either make someone believe that a lie you are telling them is the truth or persuade someone to do something.
A man of his word is someone who can be trusted, a man who will honour his promises and do what he says he will do and believe what he says he believes.
I don't believe that there is a specific word for it, but I would recommend saying 'to sap one's concentration'.
Yes, reassuring is a real word. Assuring is to make someone believe that what you are saying is true, usually through action. The prefix 'Re-' means, to do again, so if you are assuring someone again you are making certain that they believe you. To reassure someone of something is to say or do something that will remove their doubts and fears.
His narcissism led him to believe that he was the best, but in the contest he came in second and someone else will be to blame.
To convince someone is to make them believe you.
Liberals, democrats, commies....
Yes, it can be considered theft if someone refuses to return your property, as they are unlawfully keeping something that belongs to you.
Although there is no technical term for this, people call them as non- believers of love.
Someone who says there a Christian but dosent act like it. Doesnt read Bible or go to Church Doesnt believe God Refuses God ETC.
There is no such word as 'convience'. The definition of the word 'convince' is to either make someone believe that a lie you are telling them is the truth or persuade someone to do something.
I believe the word you're looking for is "posthumous" or "posthumously."
You can call them George Costanza.
The Onion News Network - 2007 Courageous Man Refuses to Believe He Has Cancer was released on: USA: 19 February 2009