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Q: What is the verb and adjective of fascination?
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What is the verb and adjective for fascination?

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What is the verb form for the word fascination?

The verb form of fascination is fascinate.

What is the adverb of fascinating?

The word interesting is the adjective form of the noun interest and the verb to interest. The related adverb form is interestingly.

Is fascination a noun?

Yes, the word 'fascinating' is the past participle, past tense of the verb to fascinate. The past participle of the verb also functions as an adjective and a verbal nouncalled a gerund.Examples:The way he tells the story is fascinating the children. (verb)She has a fascinating idea for a movie plot. (adjective)I would describe it as fascinating. (noun)

What is an adjective form of fascination?


What is the adjective of fascinate?

The word 'fascinating' is the present participle, present tense of the verb to fascinate.The present participle of the verb also functions as an adjective and a gerund, a verbal noun.The gerund 'fascinating' is an abstract noun as a word for a concept.Examples:The new microscope is fascinating the second graders. (verb)That is a fascinating idea. (adjective)The author has a knack for fascinating her readers. (noun, object of the preposition 'for')

Is circle an adjective?

No, it is a verb or a noun (to go around, to surround; a round shape). The adjective form is circular.

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Is unbreathable a verb?

No, it is an adjective. Breathe is a verb, breathing is a verb too... but then breathable is an adjective, which makes unbreathable an adjective.

What is the verb for fascination?

The verb of fascination is fascinate.Other verbs are fascinates, fascinating and fascinated, depending on the tense you need.Some example sentences are:"I will fascinate you"."She fascinates the class with her skill for storytelling"."We are fascinating the youths with our books"."He fascinated her with his poetry".

Is fascinating an abstract noun?

No, "fascinating" is not an abstract noun. It is an adjective that describes something as being very interesting or captivating. Abstract nouns refer to concepts or ideas rather than physical objects.