She didn' know the word of snow and the definition
mainly the art of artifice and deception. Nothing is as it appears and characters are playing others to gain sometning from them, apart from Julia. Themes of sensibilty, satire and love are evoked.
a remarkable girl (based on Ogden Nash's own daughter) who encounters four fearsome foes and she doesn't worry, scream or scurry.
In Imbuga's book the theme which I feel is evident is modernization facing of cultural behaviors clear when Ngoya grants her daughter three acres of land this is not accepted by Ababio and Jumba
â??Rules of the Gameâ?? by Amy Tan is a short story with a theme of mother and daughter conflict. They are Chinese American and the protagonist is frustrated with she believes is her mother trying to live vicariously through her accomplishments as a talented chess player. Chinese tradition considers children as investments as well as an outward manifestation of parenting and ambition. While the mother follows this tradition, the daughter, who identifies more with her American roots, resists.
She didn' know the word of snow and the definition
The theme of "Before We Were Free" by Julia Alvarez is about the struggle for freedom and independence in the face of political oppression. The book explores themes of courage, sacrifice, and the resilience of the human spirit in the midst of adversity.
In "Ironing Their Clothes," Julia Alvarez conveys the theme of difficult familial relationships and the complex emotions involved in caring for elderly parents. The poem explores the bittersweet experience of taking care of aging parents, highlighting the blend of love, duty, and resentment that can accompany such responsibilities.
The theme is obviously related to "woman's work"/housekeeping which represents domestic life and the role of gender specific roles.
education is important and she needs to learn
Julia Alvarez wrote the story based on herself so it's an autobiography. Names/Nombres is about a girl and her family that moves from the Dominican Republic to New York. She gets frustrated when everyone around her pronounces her name wrong or gives her a different name. A lesson Julia learns is that she might have been Julia, Judy, Judith, or even Juliet to other people, but she knew she would always be Julia to her and her family. Knowing her name helped her accept all the other names she was given. She didn't like the names, they frustrated her but she learned that no matter what people called her she would always be Julia.
Ironing Their Clothes by Julia Alvarez focuses on family relationships. It uses everyday imagery and chores to underscore the love and unity family members share, and how seemingly meaningless tasks show devotion and care.
The tortoise with a Pretty Daughter
Angus & Julia Stone... "For You"
It is about love
"The girl fears by learning to speak English and be bilingual she will lose her identity and what things around her will lose their identity and what they mean to her."-I think the theme of Bilingual Sestina is the connotations her native tongue has; connotations the english language will never carry for her. There are things she wants to say, but English has complicated the meaning of words and she longs for the simple way to say all the complicated things she feels, observes, and thinks