disgrace, shame, smear, humiliate, taint, disparage, vilify, slander, dispute, question, challenge, deny, reject, discount
The antonym of the word 'synonym' is 'antonym'.
"Alternate word" is a noun-phrase that is kind of a synonym for the word "synonym. There is no one exact word that means the same as synonym.
The root word of "humiliate" is the Latin word "humilis," which means "low" or "lowly."
The Tagalog word for "humiliate" is "hiyain" or "apihin."
The bully's goal was to humiliate his classmates by spreading false rumors about them.
Humiliate, criticise, demean
disgrace, shame, smear, humiliate, taint, disparage, vilify, slander, dispute, question, challenge, deny, reject, discount
Dishonour, Discredit Bring shame upon, Disgrace, Sully, Debase, Humiliate, Shame
"Word for word" is a synonym for verbatim.
The antonym of the word 'synonym' is 'antonym'.
"Alternate word" is a noun-phrase that is kind of a synonym for the word "synonym. There is no one exact word that means the same as synonym.
"Alternate word" is a noun-phrase that is kind of a synonym for the word "synonym. There is no one exact word that means the same as synonym.