Yes the word wilderness has a stressed syllable. Wilderness is stressed on the first syllable.
The second syllable is not stressed.
The second syllable is stressed.
The first syllable, gar, is stressed in the word garbage.
The second syllable of "design" is the stressed syllable.
The stressed syllable in the word "example" is the second syllable, "sam."
The stressed syllable in "example" is the first syllable, "ex".
The stressed syllable in the word "persistence" is "sis."
The stressed syllable in the word "Philippines" is "pil."
The stressed syllable in the word "colorful" is the first syllable, "col."
The middle syllable is stressed: se_MEH_ster
The first syllable "resi-" is stressed in the word "residence."
No, "rejoiced" is not a word with a stressed syllable. The stress falls on the second syllable, "joiced."
The first syllable is stressed in "example."
The stressed syllable in the word "electricity" is the second syllable, "lec".
The syllable stressed in the word "silent" is the first syllable, "si".
The stressed syllable in the word "modern" is the first syllable, "mod-".