Pansy IS a slang term. Mainly it's a slang term for a male who's acting very femine or homosexual.
Or it as also been said sometimes just for someone who generally is acting silly.
pansy, girl, wuss
The slang term for president is Prez
Noodle Juice is a 1920-30's slang term for tea.
A benny is a slang term for an amphetamine tablet.
It is slang for having sex.
Gay IS a slang term! It means homosexual. Some other slang terms for homosexual men would include queer, fruit, drag queen, nancy, or pansy.
pansy, girl, wuss
Coward, delicate, there is a slang word, 'pansy' as well.
It is a slang term for the word money It is a slang term for the word money It is a slang term for the word money is a slang term for the word money is a slang term for the word money
There is no slang term for oxygen.
Bellybutton IS the slang term for the navel.
A slang term for a prison sentence is "doing time."
A bickie is a slang term for a biscuit.
"Twister" is a slang term for tornado.
The slang term for president is Prez
So far there are only two slang terms for Oxycotton. The first slang term for Oxycotton is 'OC'. The second slang term for Oxycotton is 'ocean cities' .
the slang term to lift it means that a person is stupid