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perturb - to annoy. Someone who can be easily annoyed is perturbable, though that word is used very rarely. Someone who can not be easily annoyed is imperturbable.

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Q: What is the root word of the word imperturbable?
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What is the Romanian word for imperturbable?

imperturbable = calm, imperturbabil

What is the base word of imperturbable?

this wors is the opposite of the word perturb. When someone is perurbed, they are angry and mad. so the word imperturbable means calmness, quiet, serenity, and composed...exc.

What is the meaning of imperturbable?

When learning new words, it is important to know the definition. The meaning of the word imperturbable is to be calm, unable to excite.

What does the word imperturbable mean?

Imperturbable means not easily upset or disturbed; calm and composed in difficult situations.

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How do you use imperturbable in sentence?


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How would you use the word imperturbability in a sentence?

We couldn't believe that Rafael would be that imperturbable in the midst of a riot.I thought he was kind of boring, especially at parties, because his imperturbable personality got in the way of him having fun.

Use imperturbable in a sentence?

Despite the chaos around her, she remained imperturbable and continued to focus on her work without getting distracted.

How would you write imperturbable in a sentence?

The lack of concern on her face showed how imperturbable she was despite just being in a car wreck .

What is the opposite of imperturbable?

perturbable: able to be bothered or thrown into confusion

What is the root word of fugitive?

Fugitive has no root word it is the root word.