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Tempo is the rate or speed of motion or activity; pace. In music, tempo is the rate of speed of the musical piece or the timing of music.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Literally, "to tempo." It is often used after a ritard or a rallentando and indicates that the music should resume the tempo it was at before the slow-down occurred.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

"relative speed of a piece of music," 1724, from It. tempo, lit. "time" (pl. tempi), from L. tempus (gen. temporis) "time." Extended to non-musical senses 1898.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

it relates to speed

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Speed of the music.

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What are words with the prefix tempor besides temporary?

The root word is actually tem- or tempo-. Some other words with this root word are temperature, tempo, extemporarily, contemporary, etc.

What does the latin word tempus mean?

The root words tempor and tempo both mean time in Latin.

Is tempo an adverb?

No, the word "tempo" is not an adverb.The word "tempo" is a noun.

What is the Italian word for dynamics and tempo?

The Italian word for dynamics is "dynamics" and the Italian word for tempo is "tempo".

What Italian and Latin words can the English word 'tempo' be traced to?

The word "tempo" can be traced to the Latin word tempusand the Italian word tempo for "time."

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What is the word for tempo fluctuations?

Rubato is a musical term that refers to tempo fluctuations, where the performer may speed up or slow down the tempo at their discretion for expressive purposes.

In which tempo should movement described as a largo?

The tempo indication 'largo' means that the music should be played very slowly and in a stately and dignified fashion. It's worth remembering that many tempo indications suggest the manner in which the music should be played, as well as the speed. The root of 'largo' is a Latin word meaning 'broad' or 'generous'.

What is the earliest origin for tempo?

From Latin, "tempus," meaning "time." From that came the Italian word, "tempo," also meaning time.

What does the tempo cantabile mean?

Its not a tempo. Its an Italian word meaning singable, or song-like.

What is a sentence with the word tempo?

The slightly more relaxed tempo is a trick of studio production of course.

What is the root word of fugitive?

Fugitive has no root word it is the root word.