The Angles, Saxons, Frisians, and Jutes. The French (Normans) should be included, since English today has about twice as many French-derived words as it does Anglo-Saxon ones.
The English language words "parka" and "kayak" have no Spanish root.
The root (in English) is fin-. The word finish entered English from French, which got it from Latin finis.
The word "namamaga" is in Tagalog language (national language in the Philippines). In English language it's equivalent is "swollen". Note: The root word of "namamaga" is "maga" which means "swell". "Maga" is the root word and "namamaga" is in present form of the verb. "Namaga" is the past form of this word.
What is the root language for diet
that it is only in English
The root word "etom" does not have a specific meaning in English. It is not a common root word in the English language.
Yes!, true
"Various" is not a base or root word. It is a standalone word in the English language.
The English language words "parka" and "kayak" have no Spanish root.
The syllable sequ- is the root of the English language word 'sequence'. The Latin root means 'to follow' in English. One of its Latin language derivatives is the infinitive 'sequi', which also translates as 'to follow'.
A english word that has the root word similis is similar
No, "sary" is not a root word in the English language. Root words are the base form of a word from which other words are derived.
No, Hindi is not the root of the English language. English developed from a combination of various languages, including Latin, Germanic languages, and French. It has its roots in the Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family.
The word "pananalita" is in Tagalog or Filipino language (national language on the Philippines). In English language it's meaning is "wordings". Additional Info: The root word of "pananalita" in Filipino is "salita" which means "word" in English.
The root part in invert is " vert " because the english language is derived from french language and " vert " in french means " Green " and that's all is an opinion.
Tetanus is english, and its root is Ancient Greek, from the word 'tetanos' - to stretch.
The English Language is a basis off of Latin like most European languages. It is also the most widely used language because of it. It combines dialects, and root versions of other languages. Many examples can be found by looking at the Root, Prefix, and Suffix of words.