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There are two abbreviation of subdivision that are widely used. The abbreviations are subd or the subdiv.

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Q: What is the abbreviation for subdivision?
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Subdivision - film - was created in 2009.

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Appropriate subdivision must be coded

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Psilotum belongs to the subdivision Psilotophytina in the plant kingdom.

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There are no accounts listed. Therefore, it is hard to determine which account is not a subdivision of retained earnings. Expenses are not a subdivision of retained earnings.

What will you use live in or live on in a subdivision?

It is "Live in" a subdivision. It is because the subdivision has inner parts (houses, etc.) so that's why it is "live in". If it says a street, it is "live on".

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Subdivision - 2009 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:M

What is a sentence for subdivision?

The family sold their apartment in the city and bought a home in a suburban subdivision.

What is an army subdivision called?

An army subdivision could also be considered a UNIT. it's a BRIGADE

What is the subdivision of a play called?

The subdivision of a play is called an "act." Acts are further divided into scenes.

What is the limit of chemical subdivision of an element?

The limit of chemical subdivision of an element is individual atoms, since elements are composed of only one type of atom. Further subdivision would result in altering the fundamental identity of the element.

What rhymes with subdivision?
