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Q: What is the prefix to erythema?
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What is the effect of erythema on skin colour?

Erythema means that the skin is colored red.

What is the icd-9 code antral erythema icd-9?

017.1 Erythema nodosum with hypersensitivity reaction in tuberculosis[0-6]Bazin's diseaseErythema:induratumnodosum, tuberculousTuberculosis indurativaExcludes:erythema nodosum NOS (695.2) view7.6976413726807 695.0 Toxic erythemaErythema venenatum view7.2985882759094 713.3 Arthropathy associated with dermatological disordersCode first underlying disease, as:erythema multiforme (695.10-695.19)erythema nodosum (695.2)Excludes:psoriatic arthropathy (696.0) view7.1016163825989 695.10 Erythema multiforme, unspecifiedErythema irisHerpes iris view7.1016163825989 695.2 Erythema nodosumExcludes:tuberculous erythema nodosum (017.1) view5.8707094192505 695.19 Other erythema multiforme view5.8707094192505 946.1 Erythema [first degree] view5.8707094192505 949.1 Erythema [first degree] view5.8068675994873 057.0 Erythema infectiosum [fifth disease] view5.8068675994873 695.11 Erythema multiforme minor

How do you spell eyrothema?

The correct spelling is erythema (skin redness or rash).

Redness of the skin?


What color is erythema?


What is secondary erythema?

Primary erythema occur in stages 1 and 2 resulting in moderate redness occurring. Secondary erythema occurs in stages 3 and 4 where oedema and tenderness to pain and blistering occurs.

What is the medical term meaning abnormal redness of the entire skin surface?

Erythema means redness of the skin. Erythroderma

What is erythematous exudative?

Erythema (noun): Redness of the skin caused by dilatation and congestion of the capillaries, often a sign of inflammation or infection. Erythematous(adjective): Relating to or characterized by erythema It seem to me that we speak for one and the same disease if we speak for Erythema exudativa or Erythematous exudative. If my assumption is right, I have the answer below for you: Erythema is a skin disorder due to an allergic reaction or infection. Erythema is a type of allergic reaction that occurs in response to medications, infections, or illness. Medications include:Barbiturate, Penicillins, Phenytoin, Sulfonamides. Infections include: Herpes simplex. Mycoplasma. Erythema is exudative, when there is exudate and swelling in the rash patches. This usually happens infectious erythema. Most erythema multiforme is associated with herpes simplex or mycoplasma infections. To the questioner: The term 'erythema' has frequent use than erythematous, so it would be better for the readers of to have the question as Erythema (instead Erythematous). Hope the someone will edit and correct it.

What population groups tend to get erythema nodosum?

Hello, I see you are asking "What is erythema nodosum?" Erythema nodosum is characterized by tender, red bumps, usually found symmetrically on the shins. Up to 55 percent of cases have no clear identifiable cause. Sometimes, erythema nodosum is not a separate disease. Rather, it is a sign of some other infection, disease, or of a sensitivity to a drug. For more information, you can visit this URL - skincarehealthcenter. com/condition/erythema-nodosum/c/11364

What is the treatment for erythema mucosa in the antrum?

What is the answer?

What is Erythema In Colon?

"mucosal erythema" is the medical term for abnormal redness of the lining of the colon. erythema is usually a sign of inflammation, such as in cases of colitis. erythema is a generic term, so if you want to know what this symptom indicates, you will need to obtain more information.

What does he has some erythema mean?

Reddening of the skin.