partial paralysis
The plural of "she" is "they", so the plural of "she had" is "they had".
The plural of rose is roses. The plural possessive is roses'.
The plural form is homes; the plural possessive is homes'.
The plural form of paralysis is paralyses.
Of or pertaining to paralysis; resembling paralysis., Affected with paralysis, or palsy., Inclined or tending to paralysis., A person affected with paralysis.
The body's nervous system is affected by paralysis. There are different types of paralysis. These can range from either paralysis from the waist down, or paralysis from the neck down.
spastic paralysis
Laryngoparalysis or laryngoplegia is paralysis of the larynx or voice box. Another term might be vocal cord paralysis.
Partial paralysis is the medical term for partial paralysis
To treat paralysis in Maharashtra, you need to be confined in hospitals with special facilities in the treatment of paralysis.
Animals can catch paralysis
Why does oranophosphate poisoning cause muscular paralysis? Why does oranophosphate poisoning cause muscular paralysis?
It is paralysis affecting only one side of the body
Paralysis by definition prevents movement.