That is one spelling of "posy" (a flower). The plural is posies.A similar word is posse, meaning either a group of deputies or a group of followers (an entourage).
That is one spelling for a "posey" (also posy or posie), meaning a flower..
The collective nouns are a host of posies, a bouquet of posies, or a nosegay of posies.
The plural of "she" is "they", so the plural of "she had" is "they had".
The plural of rose is roses. The plural possessive is roses'.
That is one spelling of "posy" (a flower). The plural is posies.A similar word is posse, meaning either a group of deputies or a group of followers (an entourage).
Posy Miller died in 2002.
Posy Simmonds was born on August 9, 1945.
Posy Simmonds was born on August 9, 1945.
Posy Brewer is 5' 5 1/2".
A posy is a small bunch of flowers, sometimes called a nosegay.
Neither. Posy doesn`t exist in German.
Posy Simmonds is 66 years old (birthdate: August 9, 1945).
"Posy" is a common noun, as it refers to a small bouquet of flowers.
Flower power, although I'm not sure what that has to do with floating.
cozy posy