Emphasis is the singular form. The plural is emphases.
Emphasides or Emphasissetes are accepted.
emphasy plura is emphasises
Emphasis is a noun
Emphasis is the singular form. The plural is emphases.
Emphasis is the singular form. The plural is emphases.
Streams. (Emphasis on the "S")
Emphasides or Emphasissetes are accepted.
It is emphases. (EM-fah-ceez).
emphasy plura is emphasises
emphasy plura is emphasises
The foreign singular form of "emphasis" is usually "emphases" in English, but it depends on the language. For example, in French, it is "emphase."
It is pronounced "oh-AY-sees" with the emphasis on the middle syllable.
In the Israeli Bible Society's Translation of the New Testament, they use the word תלמיד (plural: תלמידים) (Pron. Tal-MEED, plural Tal-mee-DEEM emphasis on the capitals) means literally "student".
A sentence for emphasis is when you yell at someone, you put emphasis on your words.