Cupful is singular; cupfuls is the plural.
The plural form of cupful is cupfuls.
The plural form of spoonful is spoonfuls.
In the word cupful, cup is the root, and ful is the suffix.
Both "cupful" and the plural "cupfuls" use only one L, a common short form used in measurements (teaspoonful, etc.).
Cupful is singular; cupfuls is the plural.
The plural form of cupful is cupfuls.
The plural form of spoonful is spoonfuls.
In the word cupful, cup is the root, and ful is the suffix.
Both "cupful" and the plural "cupfuls" use only one L, a common short form used in measurements (teaspoonful, etc.).
The word cupful is a singular, common noun, a word for a thing.
Cupful is the singular form. It indicates a single full cup of something, often a food ingredient. Cupfuls is the plural, according to The Perrin-Smith Handbook of Current English, page 349. More than one full cup of something is referred to as cupfuls, as in two cupfuls of flour.
cupsful grandchildren People disagree if the plural is cupsful or cupfuls. Some compound words have the plural endings on the first noun element instead of the whole compound. The first noun is the prinicpal word. In cupsful -ful is not a word it is a suffix. Other examples sisters in law commanders in chief