If you mean caucus, a political party meeting to select delegates, then it's caucuses or caucusses. Both are correct, but we normally see caucuses.
If you mean caucus, a political party meeting to select delegates, then it's caucuses or caucusses. Both are correct, but we normally see caucuses.As far as I know, the word caucas does not exist in English.
According to my research the word "caucus" comes from the language Algonquian. Thank you so much answers by Dina Galal
No it shouldn't be capitalized.
A caucus is a meeting of supporters or members of a political party or movement. Meeting would be another word for caucus.
"Caucasion"From the regions of the Caucus Mountains in Europe.
A caucus is a meeting where members of a political party discuss political business. The two major parties in the U. S. are the Republican Party and the Democratic Party.
The Conservative Caucus was created in 1974.
Left Caucus was created in 1979.
Well, there was the Iowa Caucus, then the Wyoming caucus (but the news didnt seem to care about that one) and then the new hamshire caucus, but im not sure which one was the most recent
The first state caucus was held in Ohio.
The term 'caucus' can be used as both a noun and a verb, and absolute secrecy is a part of neither.As a noun, a caucus is a group of officials with similar interests and goal, such as the Congressional Black Caucus, the Iowa Republican Caucus, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, or similar.As a verb, the term "to caucus" is when these groups meet and vote, with voting procedures ranging from secret ballot, to a show-of-hands, to a voice-vote.
Iowa is the first caucus, which is held in January.
I asked the caucus for their opinion on a matter of law.
Asian law caucus was created in 1972.
LGBT Equality Caucus was created in 2008.
Congressional Progressive Caucus was created in 1991.