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There were several bottles of milk left on my neighbours doorstep, may be they had gone on holiday?

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Q: What is the plural form of the bottle with sentences?
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The plural form for the noun dancer is dancers.Example: The dancers were dressed in costumes of their native countries.

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The plural form is briefs. Example sentences;The lawyer submitted the briefs in court today.I'll be leaving in an hour, my briefs are still in the dryer.

What is the plural of the word bottle top?

The plural of bottle top is bottle tops. As in "the bottle tops are plastic".

Is a bottle countable?

Yes, the noun 'bottle' is a countable noun, the plural form is bottles. Example: There were three bottles on the tray, one bottle of Ginger Ale and two bottles of cherry cola.

What is to grow in plural form?

"To grow" is the infinitive form of the verb "grow." It takes a plural form when used with a plural subject. In the present tense, the plural form is "grow" and the singular form is "grows," as illustrated in these sample sentences: Some plants grow better in the shade. My nephew grows half an inch every month.

What is the plural of therefore?

The word therefore is an adverb, not a noun, and has no plural. The plural "therefores" would only occur when referring to the word itself, as in "He uses too many therefores in his sentences."

What is the Plural of bottle?

plural: bottles

Is refreshments is plural or singular?

The noun refreshments is the plural form for the singular form refreshment. Examples:A cold bottle of water is the only refreshment I need right now.The refreshments for the party are ready.

What is the plural or possessive form of the word brother in this sentences Mercy secretly studied with her two brother tutors?

The plural form of the noun brother is brothers.The plural possessive form is brothers'."Mercy secretly studied with her two brothers'tutors."