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The noun 'humor' is an uncountable noun as a word for the quality to find something funny (you either have it or you don't); a word for a mood or a state of mind.

The plural noun 'humors' is also an uncountable noun as an obsolete word for bodily fluids that were believed to determine the body's health.

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Q: What is the plural for humor?
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Which is thicker aqueous humor and vitreous humor?

The vitreous humor is thicker and more gel-like compared to the aqueous humor. The vitreous humor helps maintain the shape of the eye and provides support to the retina, while the aqueous humor helps nourish the cornea and lens.

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Humor could be of any type and situation. There is dark humor and then there is light humor.

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crass, toilet humor, potty humor, not humor

What is the noun of to humor?

The word humor is both a noun and a verb.Examples:He has a good sense of humor. (noun)It does no harm to humor him. (verb)

What is sophomoric humor?

sophmoric means immature so sophmoric humor is immature humor

What are humor books?

books in the humor section

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super humor is humor that is so funny youroll around on the ground laughing

What does the phrase queel humor mean?

quel humour = what a humor ( understand : 'you have a huge sens of humor')

When was Editorial Humor created?

Editorial Humor was created in 2018.

How are the vitreous humor and the aqueous humor different?

The vitreous humor is a gel-like substance found in the posterior chamber of the eye, while the aqueous humor is a watery fluid found in the anterior chamber of the eye. The vitreous humor helps maintain the shape of the eye and plays a role in supporting the retina, while the aqueous humor helps nourish the cornea and maintain eye pressure.

Is peter griffin the funniest on family guy?

I guess so. It depends on what kind of humor you like. Stewie-evil humor. Brian-intelligent humor. Lois-sensitive humor? Meg-desperate humor. Chris- dumb humor. and all the other characters. It just depends on what you like. Wow i said humor a lot :)