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you welcome
you're welcome (you are welcome) you're welcome, your is a possessive pronoun, meaning somebody has something, like your dog. Apostrophies stand for letters, and in this case stands for a, making you are welcome
You're welcome.
animal or plant
someome whos welcome
i believe its being ''serious'' . your welcome. ;)
vowel.Ur welcome?,icanansweranswers
It might be: Out, as in, "Get out." Unwelcome. Not wanted. Uninvited.
It's a saying that means you did not get a nice welcome at all. When someone is honestly welcoming you, you feel warm and loved - a chilly or cold welcome would be the opposite of that.
No gracias = No thank you The answer to 'gracias' (You're welcome, my pleasure) is 'De nada'
The additive inverse property states that if you add a number and it's opposite the sum is zero. copy-ed from "ashby" your welcome C:
Dismiss means to direct to disperse or go, to give permission to leave or reject. So the opposite would be retain, welcome, or accept.
The opposite of foreign is domestic, meaning something that is native to or belonging to the country or area in question.