The word gallant is used in several contexts. The opposite of gallant (chivalrous) would be rude, impolite, or discourteous. The opposite of gallant (brave) would be afraid, fearful, or cowardly. The opposite of gallant (bold) would be timid, meek, or shy.
Termagant means shrew or virago. The opposite is a woman who is complacent, quiet, shy, dominated rather than dominating. What word would you use for that kind of woman? A doormat, maybe.
The noun form for the adjective 'shy' is shyness.The noun form for the verb to shy is the gerund, shying.The word shy is also a noun as a word for a sudden or quick movement as if from fear.
Shy - shyer - shyest
No. "Surprised" cannot be the opposite of "shy".Words which are the opposite of "shy" would be:boldconfidentextroverted
Quite the opposite.
Timid, shy, feint.
Cautious or timid and shy would by antonyms of adventurous.
outgoing, confident, and courageous. Hope this helped!
While being friendly can sometimes overlap with being outgoing or sociable, it is not necessarily the direct opposite of being shy. Shyness typically refers to feeling nervous or timid in social situations, whereas being friendly relates more to being warm, kind, and approachable in interactions with others.
outgoing means being sociable and friendly to others. So probably the opposite in a short answer would be shy or unsociable of course.
Maybe outgoing, which means friendly or sociable.
If this crush has feelings for you they may be shy about expressing them. They're not shy around others when you're around because they feel like it's not as akward as being alone.
Opposite of sufficient: insufficient, depleted, low, inadequate, poor, short, lean, skimpy, light, scant(predicate), short, shy(predicate)
Possible opposites are timid, calm, shy, withdrawn, meek, or mild.