In terms of transmissibility, the opposite of opaque is transparent. (Colloquially, clear.)
The definition of 'opaque' (NB as an adjective) in the Collins English Dictionary is as follows:- 1. Not transmitting light;
2. Not reflecting light;
3. Not transmitting radiant energy (e.g electromagnetic, sound);
4. Hard to understand; unintelligible;
This means that the opposite of 'opaque' would be:-
1. something that is good at transmitting light;
2. something that is good at reflecting light;
3. something that is good at transmitting radiant energy ;
4. Easy to understand; easily understood;
This means that the opposite of 'opaque' would be:-
1-3. Good at energy transfer;
4. Easy to understand; easily understood;
Depending on the context, 'opaque' can also mean something is 'foggy' , so this means that the opposite could be:
- mirrored
- bright
- shiny
- transparent
- clear
The opposite would be clear, cognizant, or aware.
No. Clarity is the noun form of clear. The opposite of clarity is obscurity, or opacity if you're referring to something opaque.
clear, specific, precise, distinct or to the point
A "guilty" conscience.
Clear, concise, straight forward, etc.
cloudy is the opposite of clear.
the opposite of clear is foggy, blocked, jammed, crowded, and nontransparent
clear, visible, obvious
The opposite of a cloudy day is a clear day.
No. The antonym for 'not clear' is clear. (Antonym means the opposite.)
The opposite would be clear, cognizant, or aware.
The opposite of a tornado would be calm weather with clear skies and no strong winds.
No. Clarity is the noun form of clear. The opposite of clarity is obscurity, or opacity if you're referring to something opaque.
clear, specific, precise, distinct or to the point
The opposite of nebulous is clear or defined. Something that is nebulous is vague or unclear, while something that is clear is easily understood or defined.
A "guilty" conscience.