A widow is female and a bachelor is male, so they are the opposite gender. A widow is not the female equivalent of a bachelor. It is the female equivalent of a widower. A spinster is the female equivalent of a bachelor.
The opposite gender of lady is gentleman.The corresponding male honorary title is "lord" (the wife of a lord is also a lady).
A person of either sex, who is under 18 and still unmarried.
Clot is not gender specific.
The opposite of dairymaid is dairyman.
A widow is female and a bachelor is male, so they are the opposite gender. A widow is not the female equivalent of a bachelor. It is the female equivalent of a widower. A spinster is the female equivalent of a bachelor.
Yes, the opposite gender of "bachelor" is "bachelorette." Bachelor is typically used to refer to an unmarried man, while bachelorette is used to refer to an unmarried woman.
The noun for a male is a bachelor; the noun for a female is a spinster.The word bachelorette is a more recent addition to popular culture, because the word spinster has such negative connotations.
The opposite gender of lady is gentleman.The corresponding male honorary title is "lord" (the wife of a lord is also a lady).
The antonyms for spinster (an unmarried woman) are wife, widow, or divorcee.(The opposite gender of the female spinster would be a bachelor.)
A person of either sex, who is under 18 and still unmarried.
The gender of a bachelor is male while a bachelorette is a female.
The opposite of bachelor is bachelorette.
Doctor is a neuter gender
Opposite gender of Filipino: Filipina
Clot is not gender specific.
Opposite gender of a Filipino: FILIPINA