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Q: What is the noun of word angry?
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What is noun of word angry?

The noun form of the word "angry" is "anger."

What is noun in angry?

The noun form of the adjective 'angry' is angriness.The word 'angry' is the adjective form of the noun anger.

What is the noun formed from angry?

The word 'angry' is the adjective form of the noun anger.

What is the adjective in the sentence The angry man shouted at the boys?

The adjective is "angry." An adjective is a word which describes a noun. There are two nouns in the sentence mentioned, "man" and "boys." The only word used to describe either noun was "angry," as the word "angry" describes the man.

What is the abstract noun for angry?

The abstract noun form of the adjective 'contemptuous' is contemptuousness.The word 'contemptuous' is the adjective form of the abstract noun contempt.

What part of speech is the word Tirade?

The word "tirade" is a noun. It refers to a long, angry speech or rant.

Is anger an abstract noun?

Yes, the word 'anger' is an abstract noun, a word for an emotion.The related abstract noun for the adjective angry is angriness.

Can angry be used as a noun?

No. "Angry" CANNOT be used as a noun. "Angry" is an adjective. "Anger" is the noun.

Is temper a noun?

Yes, the word 'temper' is both a verb and a noun.The noun 'temper' is a word for a state of mind seen in terms of being angry or calm; a word for the degree of hardness and elasticity of metal; a word for a thing.The noun form of the verb to temper is the gerund, tempering.Related noun forms are temperance, temperature and temperament.

Is attitude a verb?

Yes, attitude is an abstract noun, a word for the position of something in relation to something else, a word for a concept; and as a word for a way of feeling or thinking about something.

Is Anger concrete noun?

No, the word anger is an abstract noun, a word for an emotion. You may see an angry face, but that's a face; you may hear the angry voice, but that's the voice. The anger is what the person feels inside.

Is anger a concrete noun?

No, the word anger is an abstract noun, a word for an emotion. You may see an angry face, but that's a face; you may hear the angry voice, but that's the voice. The anger is what the person feels inside.