The word 'censor' is both a noun (censor, censors) and a verb (censor, censors, censoring, censored).
Our censor will check your work for its suitability for children's programming. (noun)
We've had to censor the material to eliminate gender bias. (verb)
The word 'dangerous' is an adjective; the closest verb form is endanger.
The noun form for the adjective horrible is horribleness.
Implication is the noun form of "imply."
The censor gave the film an R-rating. They might censor that word from your story.
ability is the noun form of the adjective able;conversation is the noun form of the verb to converse;dependence is the noun form of the verb to depend;departure is the noun form of the verb to depart;dwelling is the noun form of the verb to dwell;favorite is the noun form of the verb to favor;happiness is the noun form of the adjective happy;information is the noun form of the verb to inform;rarity is the noun form of the adjective rare;weakness is the noun form of the adjective weak;writer is the noun form of the verb to write;writing is also a noun form of the verb to write.
The word 'dangerous' is an adjective; the closest verb form is endanger.
The noun form for the adjective horrible is horribleness.
The noun form of the adjective obedient is obedience.
The noun form of the adjective 'prosperous' is prosperousness.A related noun form is prosperity.
The noun form of "punish" is "punishment."
The noun form of "religious" is "religion."
The noun form of "acrimonious" is "acrimoniousness."
The noun form for the adjective glaring is glaringness. Another noun form is glare.
The noun form for the adjective austere is austereness. Another noun form is austerity.
Implication is the noun form of "imply."
The censor gave the film an R-rating. They might censor that word from your story.
Censor. has written: 'Don't'