the author card is the list where the author or the person who write that is found in title card ...... the subject card is the main idea or the title of the book .......... the title card is the list all book by its title.............
a plastic card tagged on an item which displays its price.
An example is a case of something happening that explains something. Exempt would be "a get out of jail free card", meaning that you don't have to go or participate in an activity.
HP means health points. it is often used in video games or card games :)
Actually it has several possible translations: a card, a map and a menu are probably the most common meanings
sim card
sim card
Guide card
Card verification code
meaning he has a shark card in his/her hand
meaning of credit card
The meaning of a card scanner, or card reader is to read data on the inserted card and link it to ones personal account such as a credit account or a banking account. The purpose of the scanner is so that the user can have secure access to their funds.
She used her access card TO IN the company. This means she used the card to get into.
The Devil is shown on card 15 in a tarot deck. what is the true meaning of this card is it a good or bad sign
An organ donor card is a card given to you when you register with the organ donation register. The card represents your desire to have your organs used for transplantation after your death.