the meaning of the phrase myriad manifestation is-countless evidence
That's easy! Its a phrase.
A phrase that is compound. Meaning two or more.
A "token of peace" typically refers to a symbolic gesture or object given as a sign of goodwill or reconciliation between conflicting parties. It is a physical representation of a desire for harmony and understanding. In essence, it serves as a tangible reminder of the intention to foster peace and cooperation in a relationship or situation.
goodwill gesture
Queen Victoria
Queen Victoria
The Latin noun meaning goodwill is benevolentia or gratia.
The phrase "goodwill and trademark" is used when transferring a trademark to another company or individual, meaning the receiving company is expected to maintain the quality of the product using the mark. The intent is to maintain the reputation the mark has built over time.
It's from the Bible.
A pace egg is a hard-boiled coloured egg traditionally made at Easter, often given to relatives and friends as a token of goodwill.
The phrase "Peace on Earth, goodwill toward men" comes from the Bible, specifically Luke 2:14 in the New Testament. It is part of the angelic announcement to the shepherds about the birth of Jesus. The message conveys a wish for peace and goodwill to prevail among all people.
yes it is. it is a very important one, and is very important to our cultuere as americans. the french gave it to us, as a token of their goodwill, and immigrants have adpoted it as their symbol of acceptance
The phrase "by that token" means that if one thing is true or valid, then another related thing must also be true or valid. It is used to draw a logical conclusion or make an inference based on a previous statement or condition.
Camaraderie is a noun which means goodwill among friends or comradeship.