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Q: What is the meaning of the french word 'en' in English?
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What is the French word 'en' in English?

"In" is an English equivalent of the French word "en."Specifically, the French word is a preposition. It includes among its meanings "in, into, to." The pronunciation is "aw."

What does effetive mean?

In French en effet means indeed.The similar English word is effete, meaning decadent or depleted.

What is the American word for the French word idiot?

en francais (in french): imbécile in english : idiot

How do you say cardboard box in french?

English: Toys French: Jouets (The French word "jouer" is a verb, meaning "to play.")

What does en mean in french?

To describe your state or situation. For e.g I am on vacation would be 'Je suis en vacances' ou en conges (where the e is accented)

What does the phrase 'coaching en entreprise' mean in English?

The phrase 'coaching en entreprise' originates from the French language. When translated into English the meaning of this phrase is 'buisness coaching'.

What is the word 'rainbow' when translated from English to French?

"un arc-en-ciel" - pl. "des arcs-en-ciels"

What does 'tout en quilt' mean?

The phrase 'tout en quilt' means everything in [the proper manner and style of a] quilt, all quilted. In the word-by-word translation, the noun 'tout' means 'all'. The preposition 'en' means 'in'. And the noun 'quilt' has the same meaning in French as in English.

What is the French 'en voiture' in English?

en voiture means 'in (the) car' in French.

Can the word Lieu be used by itself or only with the word in before it?

In French the word is a simple noun meaning place or location, but the English expression tends to be limited to the half-translated phrase "in lieu of"*, meaning "instead of" or "in place of". En français, au lieu de

What is 'Comment dit-on en français' when translated from French to English?

Comment dit-on en français? in French is "How does one say in French?" in English.

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Un film en anglais in French means "a film in English" in English.