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# Inadequate, as in size or fullness, especially through economizing or stinting: a skimpy meal. # Unduly thrifty; niggardly.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Half dressed or inadequately dressed

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Q: What is the meaning of skimpy?
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Is skimpy a noun adverb adjective or verb?

The word 'skimpy' is an adjective, a word that describes a noun as barely adequate, scanty (a skimpy salary, a skimpy meal).

A sentence for the word skimpy?

skimpy pooped in his pants

What does the word skimpy mean?

Barely enough, meaning "You are wearing the skimpiest cloths on a cold night?" as what your Dad would say or "That plate has a skimpy piece of meat on it, you should go get some more." as if you were eating dinner

How do you use skimpy in a sentence?

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What is the meaning of the term ''Lingeri''?

"Lingeri" is not a word. If by chance you meant lingerie, the meaning would be a woman's undergarments (what you wear under your clothes or to bed) including bras, panties, and even skimpy night-ware.

Can you write a sentence skimpy in it?

I sat back while she danced on stage in skimpy costumes that were going to make any man blush..

What does paltry mean?

small amount, skimpy.

What is a synonym for scant?

inadequate, meager, skimpy, and bare

What is skimpy jeans?

Do you mean "skinny jeans"? I assume you mean that since it's probably the same thing. Skinny(/'skimpy') jeans are tight-fitting denim pants.

What are three synonyms for the word skimpy?

Stingy lol that's it