# Inadequate, as in size or fullness, especially through economizing or stinting: a skimpy meal. # Unduly thrifty; niggardly.
small amount, skimpy.
The man could not help but ogle the woman wearing a skimpy dress.
frugal miserly stingy skimpy parsimonious
meaning of bonding meaning of bonding
The word 'skimpy' is an adjective, a word that describes a noun as barely adequate, scanty (a skimpy salary, a skimpy meal).
skimpy pooped in his pants
Barely enough, meaning "You are wearing the skimpiest cloths on a cold night?" as what your Dad would say or "That plate has a skimpy piece of meat on it, you should go get some more." as if you were eating dinner
the waiter wore skimpy clothes
"Lingeri" is not a word. If by chance you meant lingerie, the meaning would be a woman's undergarments (what you wear under your clothes or to bed) including bras, panties, and even skimpy night-ware.
I sat back while she danced on stage in skimpy costumes that were going to make any man blush..
small amount, skimpy.
inadequate, meager, skimpy, and bare
Do you mean "skinny jeans"? I assume you mean that since it's probably the same thing. Skinny(/'skimpy') jeans are tight-fitting denim pants.
Stingy lol that's it