A recrimination is a counter-accusation against an accuser or critic. There can also be recriminations that follow the retaliation, which are also recriminations. (Self-recrimination is somewhat of an oxymoron, but is used to mean self-accusal, or self-blame.)
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The first meaning of a word is referred to as "denotative meaning". This is the dictionary definition. The second meaning of a word is referred to as "connotative meaning". This is not in the dictionary.
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Hotel - 1983 Recriminations 3-13 was released on: USA: 29 January 1986
The crisis was over, but as they began to think about who was to blame, the recriminations would begin.
A recrimination is a counter-accusation against an accuser or critic. There can also be recriminations that follow the retaliation, which are also recriminations. (Self-recrimination is somewhat of an oxymoron, but is used to mean self-accusal, or self-blame.)
If you swear at your mother or father, you shall be stoned to death. Leviticus lists a vast number of offenses and crimes for which the recriminations can be as minimal as small fines up to stoning to death.
Yes. Canada is a parliamentary democracy. If the Canadian people find the government of Canada objectionable, they can vote in different ministers through elections. Additionally, Canadians can protest laws with which they dissent without fear of recriminations.
A recrimination is an accusation made in retaliation to an argument already made, for example: Recriminations flew thick and fast between the feuding neighbours.
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There are loyalists in almost every war. Without specifying a war, this question is unanswerable. In some wars, like the American Revolution, loyalists experienced minimal recriminations and many decided to become citizens of the new republic. There were some instances where Loyalist business owners were attacked by revolting citizens, and subjected to such abuse as "Tarring-and-Feathering." In France, numerous loyalists were hunted down and executed during the French Revolution.
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Most people would find this to be self-evident. With the exception of a few, everybody hopes and dreams for a day when everyone can come home after a hard day's work and raise kids without the fear of recriminations, retaliations, bombs, or hateful rhetoric. Only a just and peaceful solution to the Arab-Israeli Conflict can do that for the Israelis and Palestinians.
Jews are allowed to say whatever strikes their fancy, with two major exceptions. 1) Jews are not allowed to lie or spread falsities about other people or ideas. 2) Jews are often silent about the abuse they receive in certain countries because they are afraid of retributions and recriminations from uneducated individuals in those countries for expressing their true beliefs and opinions.
Israel. Historically, the largest Jewish communities in the Middle East were in Iraq, but most Jewish communities outside of Israel emigrated due to fears of recriminations and religious persecutions.