Nagwas de Ohetes means honeymoon in English, Honeymoon is a trip or vacation newlywed couples take after they are married.
Naguas means a kind of petticoat
de ojete means of “eyelet”
put them together and it means “petticoat made of eyelet” or eyelet petticoat
from the song Paruparong Bukid
”Naguas de ojete” ay palalabasin
Thisvregets to a flirtatious move by a young Filipina who shows off just a hint of what she wears under her skirt.
It means "my most precious treasure." "Wo de" meaning "mine", "qin ai" meaning beloved, "bao bei" meaning treasure. Hope that helped.
Ponce de Leon Ponce de Leon Ponce de Leon Ponce de Leon
The meaning of bom fim de semana pra vc in English is Good Weekend to you or have a good weekend.
What are you talking about?
Sorry, I think you got it wrong... Nagwas, in Spanish "enaguas," is the undergarment women used under the dress. When they took a bath or went to the beach, still they wore enaguas (en - aguas = in the water or for the water). Ohetes, in Spanish "ojetes" refers to a kind of lace or embroidery with holes (also called calado), akin to "ohales" (ojales), the hole to insert a button.
bajo de masinloc is the meaning or location. it is in the philippines.
Ateneo De Manila University is the meaning ^___^
chef de anchor
DE is short for Deutschland.
where from, without being a question.
At night
Of projects
It means "my most precious treasure." "Wo de" meaning "mine", "qin ai" meaning beloved, "bao bei" meaning treasure. Hope that helped.
"De Rosa" in Italian translates to "of the rose," with "de" meaning "of" and "rosa" meaning "rose." It may be a surname or part of a company name.
Ponce de Leon Ponce de Leon Ponce de Leon Ponce de Leon
"Sont" is a verb meaning "are". "De" is an article like "the".