

Best Answer

The collective noun 'congregation' is a word for a group of people attending a religious service or the membership of a church or parish.

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Q: What is the meaning of congretion in colletive noun?
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The noun parliament is a collective noun for:a parliament of beggarsa parliament of crowsa parliament of owlsa parliament of ravensa parliament of rooks

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Some nouns for the collective noun 'fleet' are: cars, ships, and airplanes.

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No, the collective nouns for whales are:a pod of whalesa school of whalesa shoal of whalesa gam of whales

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There are so many nouns for horses like Haras, stud, herd, string, field, mews, mob, parcel, rag, slate, set, team, stable.

Is children a colletive noun?

I don't think so. The way to check for collective nouns is, I believe, to see what verb conjugation comes after it. You say "the children are" just as you say "they are". If children were collective, you would say "the children is". An example of a collective noun is family. You say "the family is".

What is the noun for meaning?

The word 'meaning' is the present participle, present tense of the verb to mean. The present participle of the verb also functions as an adjective and a gerund (a verbal noun).Examples:He was meaning to call her. (verb)It was a well meaning gesture. (adjective)The meaning is not clear. (noun)

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desert is a noun.

What is meaning of noun?

A noun is a word for a person, place, or a thing.

Is spot a noun?

It can be a noun, meaning a speck, coloration, stain, or location. It can also be a verb, to spot, meaning to notice.