When a business says a check has been generated it means that a check has been issued to you. The Social Security Administration is one place that uses this terminology.
given the technological age we live in - my guess would be Computer Generated.
Lycetuff is not a word of any language hence it has no meanings.
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meaning of kaizad is " born of royalty" check out meaning of parsi names on this website :zoroastrianonline.com/parsi_names.htm
Anocromatic is not a word in English, please check the spelling
Check the Meaning was created on 2002-10-07.
I don't know?Why don't you do research and check? Tell me in high detail. (HD)
given the technological age we live in - my guess would be Computer Generated.
cg animation simply means animation generated by computers. (Computer graphics)
The meaning of MIS report generation is Management Information System reports generated. This can include financial reports, inventory reports, or performance reports that are computer generated for review.
Lycetuff is not a word of any language hence it has no meanings.
the ratio of amount of energy generated during specified period to the energy could have been generated during that period by any palnt is the capacity utilisation factor.
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No, Openness is the meaning of Glasnost - Check out the link below
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