The noun forms for the verb to accommodate are accomodater, accommodativeness, accommodation, and the gerund, accommodating.
It means making room for someone else. You could offer someone accommodations at your house, which would mean a guest room or a room of a family member that they've moved out of to make room. Accommodations at a hotel are similar... someplace they've cleaned up to make room for you. You could accommodate someone in your conversation or in your plan as well... making room for them by switching to a topic they understand, switching to a language they know, or just asking them a question. You could include a group of people in your plan... for instance if you are going to dinner at a Sushi restaurant, you might switch to a restaurant that offers more choices when you find out that several people don't like sushi. Or if you find out that your plan for the new community center doesn't accommodate the wishes of the large population of retired people, or people who like Racquetball, or religious people who want to play a certain game that is only scheduled on the Sabbath... you might change the plans to accommodate the wishes of those groups.
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The first meaning of a word is referred to as "denotative meaning". This is the dictionary definition. The second meaning of a word is referred to as "connotative meaning". This is not in the dictionary.
Meaning of Lameck
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What is the meaning of Pangkalikasan?
This is the result of your uterus stretching to accommadate your babies arrival Its the way the uterus resizes itself before and after the baby comes
Guild halls were built for use by members of trade guilds. There is a link below to an article listing guild halls with links to articles on them.
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what is the meaning of FPTODA? what is the meaning of FPTODA? what is the meaning of FPTODA? what is the meaning of FPTODA? what is the meaning of FPTODA? what is the meaning of FPTODA? what is the meaning of FPTODA? what is the meaning of FPTODA? what is the meaning of FPTODA? what is the meaning of FPTODA? what is the meaning of FPTODA?
No, when the Jeep was remodeled in 2006 the entire dimensions of the car changed, including the hard top. On the 2006 and on, the hard tops are wider to accommadate the new width of the car. Before '06, Wranglers were less wide therefore shaped differently. (I have a Wrangler JK with a hard top) The body chnged in 2007, so 1999 and 2006 should be the same size.
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'MEANING' in other words can be the 'vocabulary' of a word or the 'essence' of the word as to what the word precisely means. OR meaning is the meaning of meaning what you just said meaning
'MEANING' in other words can be the 'vocabulary' of a word or the 'essence' of the word as to what the word precisely means. OR meaning is the meaning of meaning what you just said meaning
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