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A flashing red light at an intersection is a stop sign. All rules apply as they would to a stop sign.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

When it is flashing red, it mean that intersection is being used as a four way stop. So act like there is a stop sign there.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

That the bus is either letting off or taking on passengers, and that it's illegal to pass that bus at that point.

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Q: What do flashing red lights on a school bus mean?
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When does a vehicle NOT have to stop for a school bus with red flashing lights?


Passing a stopped school bus with flashing red lights and a stop signal arm can generate a fine of up to?


I drove past a school bus while the stop arm was just beginning to extend will I get a ticket I have my permit and am just learning to drive.?

If the flashing lights were on then you violated the law. If they got your license number you will get a ticket. If not then you are safe. In the future when you see a school bus prepare to stop at any moment.

If you see a school bus stopped with flashing red lights ahead of you what do you do?

In nearly all jurisdictions you are required by law to stop a reasonable distance before you reach the back of the bus (if you are approaching from the rear) or before you draw even with the front of the bus (if you are approaching from the front. Wait patiently until the red lights are no longer flashing and then proceed. A word of warning though. Stopped school buses may have just let children off the bus and said children are prone to running across the road without looking, so watch for children AFTER the bus starts moving. It may be legal to proceed, but if you hit some kid, that will be of little consolation (even if it isn't otherwise your fault).

What does it mean if you see a city bus with a flashing yield sign on the back?

It means that the bus is about to pull into the lane of travel (presumably from a bus stop), and that you are expected to yield to the bus to let it in.