I think it should be "perruche" , which is a parakeet or budgerigar
une baguette is the name for a long, thin loaf of bread, weighing 250 grams, which is quite popular in France. The name itself would be translated 'a stick' in English.
literal meaning: sabbatical often used in phrase: "une année sabbatique", meaning "a gap year"
'Une fille' means 'a girl' in English.
"une niche" (fem.) is a doghouse in English.
'une cloche' is a bell in French.
If you mean 'une cloche' - a bell.
'une cloche' is a bell in French.
A yellow jacket is 'une veste jaune' or 'une jaquette jaune' in French is you're talking about clothing. The insect is "une guêpe" (fem.) when talking of wasps.
"Cloche" in French means "bell" in English. It can also refer to a bell-shaped cover or dome used in cooking or gardening.
A big bell is 'une grosse cloche' in French
A bell is- Une clocheBells : les cloches.Une cloche in french can be- a cover (with the form of a bell)Une cloche à fromages - a cover for cheeses.- It can be a clot, an idiot, or a fool- elle est cloche -or c'est une cloche : she's a clotThere are some expressions.Saved by the bell : sauvé par le gongFor whom the bell tolls - Pour qui sonne le glas. (le glas is actually the death knell)and some figurative expressions :Se faire sonner les cloches - To get (a real) telling-offSe taper la cloche - to pig outEntendre le même son de cloche - to hear the same story
"tu as une trousse jaune clair"
"Je suis une étudiante" translates to "I am a student" in English.
we draw / we are drawing a map ('une carte' could be either a map or a card)
vous, une si belle (femme) is you, a so beautiful (woman) in English.
I think it should be "perruche" , which is a parakeet or budgerigar