Frrom middle ages French 'hola' meaning stop - literally 'ho there' and adopted as an Americanism in the 1830's
It means "extremely enthusiastic" or "eager". Gung Ho was originally the motto of Carlson's Raiders battalion of the US Marines. They adapted it from the Mandarin Chinese word "gonghe", meaning "work together", which was used as a motto by the Chinese Industrial Cooperative Society
Not necessary, capitals, however, would suggest the expression was louder than normal
if your a girl than this question would be okay but if your a boy than your wierd because Hey ho! comes from Hannah Montana1) In British English at least, "Hey ho" is an expression used when something hasn't gone according to plan, to dispel one's feeling of disappointment.Eg. Oh, we've just missed the bus. Hey ho.[from]2) Also "Hey ho""hey ho" was used e.g. when sailors were pulling a rope to mark when they should pull. So it became a generalized marker of rhythm, often used in songs just as a repetitive framework.From an answer at Word Reference Forums...and is often used in concerts especially by rap artists to synchronize the waving of the crowd.Hope this helps.
Jojoba (a shrub) but pronounced ho-ho-ba
Shaitaan (Shai-taan).
The origin of the name Shai (First name) is in Hebrew - meaning a Gift or Present. The origin of the name Roitman (Surname) is in Yiidish / German - meaning a Red Man.
Patrick Shai's birth name is Patrick Molefe Shai.
ho ho ho has no meaning it is just how Santa claus laughs
Shai Agassi was born in Israel.
Shai Cohen was born in 1968.
Shai Hulud was created in 1995.
Shai Wosner was born in 1976.
Shai Abuhatsira was born in 1980.
Shai Livnat was born in 1984.
Shai Hoffmann is 178 cm.
Shai Wilson is 5' 10".