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Emotive force is the overtones of feeling that a word arouses, as something above and beyond the word's literal meaning.

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Q: What is the is the overtones of feeling that a word arouses as something above and beyond the word's literal meaning?
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What is an emotive force?

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With you I'm alone, too (literal translation). It probably means something like "Even if you are with me, I'm feeling alone".

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The exact literal meaning of something you are reading is its .?


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An idea or feeling that a word invokes for a person in addition to its literal or primary meaning :D

How do you say I am not happy in German?

Happy is a hard word to translate into German. Even in English it hast a lot of meanings, from feeling bad to not agreeing to something. The closest translation would be "Ich bin ungluecklich" , which is a quite literal translation or "Mir geht es nicht gut" which means "I am not feeling well"

What is pro quid pro?

This for that. Something in return for something.The literal translation from Latin is 'a what for a which'.you do something for me i ll do something for youbasically something for something