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The word "œuvre" in French is feminine. You say "une œuvre".

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Q: What is the gender of the French word oeuvre?
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What is an oeuvre?

An oeuvre is a work of art whether it be music painting or liturature. From the french meaning work,opus.

What is the gender of the french word l'enfant?

The gender of the French word "l'enfant" is masculine.

What gender is the french word lampe?

The French word "lampe" is feminine.

What is the gender of the french word beignet?

The French word "beignet" is masculine.

How could i use the word oeuvre on a sentence?

well, most people dont use this word. but if you were to use this word you would use it in a complement. For example 'I really like your shirt, its very oeuvre' or 'the way you cook your eggs is very oeuvre'.

What is a sentence with Oeuvre?

Here is an example sentence with the word "oeuvre":The Louver Museum at France is filled with all kinds of oeuvre, varying from the Mona Lisa to the Winged Victory of Samothrace.

What is the gender of the french word for gold?

l'or is a masculine noun in French.

What gender is racisme in french?

In French, the word "racisme" is masculine.

What is the gender of the french word the?

The French word "the" is masculine and is translated as "le" or "l'".

How do you pronounce the French word oeuvre?

Let's split this word in several parts to be able to pronounce it : "oeu" is one sound, it is like the U in English in "but" "v" is the same sound than in English "r" is the standard French R, it doesn't exist in English, it is like a Spanish J in which you add voice "e" you don't always need to pronounce it, it depends on the sound in the phrase that will follow "oeuvre" : if it is a vowel the "e" in "oeuvre" isn't pronounced, if it is a consonant, the "e" in "oeuvre" will be pronunced almost like the first sound "oeu" but with the mouth a little bit more closed, it is like the sound "ö" in German.

Is the French word parle masculine or feminine?

The French word "parle" is a verb and doesn't have a gender.