Kitchen is not an abbreviation, so there is no "full form" of it.
"Sorry" is not an abbreviation. That is the "full form"
The full form of the abbreviation IRL is - In Real Life.
English is neither acronym nor abbreviation. It is the 'full form'.
Abbreviation is the full form of the abbreviation ABBR.
The full form of the abbreviation IGSE is International Graduate School of English, an educational establishment in South Korea.
Computer is not an abbreviation. It is the full form of the word.
Kitchen is not an abbreviation, so there is no "full form" of it.
Kitchen is not an abbreviation, so there is no "full form" of it.
"Sorry" is not an abbreviation. That is the "full form"
There is no full form, a manager is a manager, and the term is not an abbreviation.
Survivor is not an abbreviation so it is the "full form" already
Monitor IS the full form. It isn't an abbreviation nor an acronym.
Facebook IS the full form, it's not an abbreviation nor an acronym.