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Outside rear view mirror

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Q: What is the full form of ORVM Indicator?
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What is orvm in cars?

Outside Rear View Mirror..Manually operated r conventional..Modern cars has electrically adjustable ORVM's....

What is full form of KPI?

key performance indicator

What is full form for KRI?

The full form of KRI is Key Risk Indicator. It is a metric used in risk management to signal changes in risk levels within an organization.

What is the full form of GDP?

The full form of GDP is Gross Domestic Product. GDP is the indicator of a country's economical status.

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when your bath tub becomes full, full bath indicator indicates u that ur bath tub is full......

What is the full form of LMAO?

It's an on line or text term meaning Laugh My Ass Off. It is also an indicator of the limited language skills of the user.

What is full form of DO?

In computing, DO stands for Disk Operating System. It refers to the software that manages the storage and retrieval of data on a computer's hard drive or other storage devices. DOS was commonly used in personal computers during the 1980s and 1990s before graphical operating systems like Windows became more prevalent.

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How tea is a natural indicator?

Tea is a natural indicator because it shows the pH of something on a scale however it is very basic as you will not get a full colour range.

What is the full form of hotel?

"Hotel" is the full form of the word. It is derived from the French hôtel, from Old French hostel.

What is the full form of INRI?

INRI is an acronym of the Latin inscription IESVS·NAZARENVS·REX·IVDÆORVM (Jesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum), which translates to English as "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews"

What is full form Linux?

There is no "full form".