Copy corespondence Cubic capacity Cubic centremetre
C.C. in mail etc mean Carbon Copy C.C. is also for Cubic Centimeters
no, just c. cc is most commonly used as the abbreviation for cubic centimeter, especially in medicine.
The full form of CC is carbon copy. This is used when sending an email to multiple recipients and you do not wish to hide the other email addresses. BCC stands for blind carbon copy. This is used when you do not want all of the email addresses listed.
CC means Carbon Copy
Cute Couple.
full form of CCL celebrity cricket league
(IOD) - Intimation of Disapproval (CC) - Commencement Certificate .
cubic capacity
From Email? :Carbon Copy
closed circuit camera Closed Circuit Camera is the full form of cc camera.
cc's is engine size in all terrian vehicles and horse powers used in car engines ect.
cc means "cubic centimeter." It is a way to measure the size of an engine, usually motorcycle and other smaller engines. ci means "cubic inch" and is usually used for larger engines like car engines.
cc stands for cubic centimeters, Its the measurement of volume
If you mean email it's carbon copy
if you are asking what cc stands for: Cubic Centimetersin US they will also use Cubic Inches sometimes