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Q: What is the full form of ANET?
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What is Anet's population?

The population of Anet is 2,632.

What is the area of Anet?

The area of Anet is 7,850,000.0 square meters.

What has the author Claude Anet written?

Claude Anet has written: 'Sokak kizi'

When was Anet-Jacqueline Buschmann born?

Anet-Jacqueline Buschmann was born in 1982.

When was Bobby Anet born?

Bobby Anet was born on 1917-08-11.

When did Bobby Anet die?

Bobby Anet died on 1981-07-25.

What is the birth name of Claude Anet?

Claude Anet's birth name is Jean Schopfer.

When did Claude Anet die?

Claude Anet died on January 9, 1931, in Paris, France of septicemia.

When was Claude Anet born?

Claude Anet was born on May 28, 1868, in Morges, Switzerland.

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What is full form of DO?

In computing, DO stands for Disk Operating System. It refers to the software that manages the storage and retrieval of data on a computer's hard drive or other storage devices. DOS was commonly used in personal computers during the 1980s and 1990s before graphical operating systems like Windows became more prevalent.

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