full fome of L M P
Multi-Link Trunking
ISI CML NO means Certification of Manufacturing License.
w-we e-exite l-lord c-concert o-of m-management e-education
S: seize up the situation u: undue haste makes waste r: remember where you are v: vanquish fear and panic i: improvisation v: value of living a: act like natives l: learn basic skills
full fome of L M P
Multi-Link Trunking
low power quad op ams
the full form of m is mycobacterium.
ISI CML NO means Certification of Manufacturing License.
M-man o-our b-bank i-iinsurance l-leval e-engine
w-we e-exite l-lord c-concert o-of m-management e-education
what is full meaning of lastma
full form of me m...........man e............eternal
S: seize up the situation u: undue haste makes waste r: remember where you are v: vanquish fear and panic i: improvisation v: value of living a: act like natives l: learn basic skills
The full form of BPL is Below Poverty Line For more Visit : fullformdunia(.com)