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The final scene can be called the denouement.

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Q: What is the french word for the final scene of a play?
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What is the final scene called in 'Antigone'?

"Exodus" is the what the final scene is called in the play "Antigone" by ancient Greek playwright Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, the English word is a loan word from the ancient Greek. In ancient Greek, the word is written "ἔξοδος." The meaning of the word translates into English as "departure, expedition, procession." The play's final scene indeed is a departing procession which will culminate in Theban King Creon's exile.

What is the french word for through a scene effortlessly?

A travers la scene sans peine

What is the French word that means play?

To play is "jouer" in French.

What is a French word for nativity scene?

They call a nativity scene "une crèche" (fem. - literally "a crib").

What is the French word for albino?

Albino is spelled "albinos" (mind the final "s") in French.

How do you say play but in past in French?

jouer is the translation in French. This is the translation of the word play.

Is chapter is to novel as scene is to play a type of word relationship?


Is there an etymological relation between the words science and scene?

The only real link is that they are both old forms of French. The root words that they were originally from came from Latin and Greek. Science is Old French, and from the Latin word scientia. Scene is Middle French, and from the Greek word skene.

What is the word for interlude during a play?

Entracte. French word.

What is the noun for the word scene?

The word 'scene' is a noun; a word for any view or picture; the place where some action or event occurs or has occurred; a division of a play, film, novel, etc.; a word for a thing.

What is the french word for play?

Je joue

Is Jeux an English word?

No, it is a French word (meaning 'game' or 'play').