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Q: What is the format of writing a found notice for class 7 in English?
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Notice writing in class 8th related to English subject?

Subject: Urgent Notice for English Class 8th Students This is to inform all Class 8th students that there will be an extra English class on Thursday, 10th March at 1:00 PM in Room 205. The class will cover important grammar topics for the upcoming exam. Attendance is mandatory for all students. Thank you.

What is the format of email writing for class 8?

i dont know gughtkfy

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be creative,add some pts to support your poster

I am writing a story for my english class. It has to involve love somehow, what should i write about?


What is use of English to middle class people?

English is an amazing world of words.For middle school english is commonly used for writing stories.English is helpful

Is online english class difficult?

English class is one of the more difficult classes to take online. This is because so much of the English learning is related to pronunciation and real-time feedback on your writing and speaking tendencies. A math or science class would be a much easier online class.

Are high school english teachers required to take a creative writing class in college?

Generally, yes. Most high school english teachers hold degrees in English, which often requires creative writing classes to obtain.

How do you make your writing better?

Read different genres of books, practice, and pay attention in English class

What do hope to get in the English composition class?

You will expect to learn essay writing, how to express your feelings about things, your personal views, opinions and thoughts. I would definitely recommend an English composition class if you are particularly interested in Language and Literature.

What do i you need for English class?

For an English class, you will typically need textbooks, writing materials (such as notebooks and pens), access to a dictionary or online resources, and possibly additional resources or materials specified by your teacher. It's also useful to have a good grasp of grammar and vocabulary, as well as a willingness to engage in discussions and writing assignments.

Who are the main characters in theme for English B?

The main character in "Theme for English B" is the speaker, a student tasked with writing a page for an English class. The poem explores his struggles with identity and race as he navigates the complexities of being one of the only black students in his class.