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A synechdoche is used in this sentence. A synechdoche is a figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa.

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Q: What is the figure of speech used in this sentence- The rancher hired three new hands to help with the branding of the cattle?
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What is the figure of speech used in this sentence The rancher hired three new hands to help with the branding of the cattle?

a synecdoche

What literary device is used in this sentence the rancher hired three new hands to help with the branding of the cattle?

Synecdoche is the literary device used in the sentence The rancher hired three new hands to help with the branding of the cattle. A synecdoche is when a term is used to refer to something by another name.

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The subject ("you") is understood, i.e. not actually in the sentence. This is called an "imperative sentence" and represents a command or suggestion.What it means is "I want you to help me figure this out" or "you should help me figure this out."

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A synchedoche.

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I have been trying to figure out just what you meant by that question.

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