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I fell off of the roof while trying to repair the eaves.

The rain gutter is attached just under, and at the edge of, the eaves.

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8y ago
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8y ago

The eaves glittered with icicles. The water dripped off the eaves as the rain slowed.

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8y ago

The wind whistled around the eaves.

The eaves are dripping with sleety rain.

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8y ago

Did you clean the eaves out?
There is a dead squirrel in the eaves.
We need to have our eaves replaced and when we do, we should get the new kind that is covered.

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Q: What is the example sentence with the word eaves?
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What is a sentence using the word eaves?

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What is a sentence for eaves?

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How do you use eaves in a sentence?

the eaves of the roof will be 40 cm long.

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