internal proposals is when you try to sell something within your company to the upper level management the etopic is usually large and will require extensive financial obligation time for [lanning and commitment. a short infformal report will not suffice. so you have eto write a long formal letter.
external proposal is when you want to sell a new service or proudict to an audience outside your company.
Internal email is electronic mail that only uses a company's internal mail servers. External email makes use of two or more mail servers as the mail is routed, the originating server and the destination server.
external conflict
The two types of conflict used in writting is external and man vs man external is where someone stuggles with a force outside theirself and where man vs man is where the conflict is struggling between say another person or a force of nature..
'Agree with' is used for a person 'Agree to' is used for a proposal. Example: I agree with you. He agreed to join me at lunch.
Internal conflict is about someone trying to defeat something inside him, like maybe he's having trouble meeting new friends because he's shy, and he has to conquer his shyness before he can make a friend (that's a simple example anyway). External conflict is something on the outside is keeping the person from reaching his goals, like maybe someone is trying to kill the main character, that'd be an external conflict. thnx i hope this helped you!
What is the difference between external and internal communications
what is the difference between the external & internal indicator
what is the difference between the external & internal indicator
internal is in and external is out
its internal and then its external. DEERRR
difference between external and internal frontier
difference between internal and external dtd
What is internal and external customer?
The difference between internal and external validity is in their nature. Internal validity indicates if a study depicts relation between two variables. External validity on the other hand generalizes the study of the variables.
internal holder is within while the external is outside
internal interrupt is synchronous with the program while external interrupts are asynchronous.
internal and external memory